
Скачать торрент Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines + патч 10.3 (Troika Games) (RUS) [L]

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post 06-Апр-10 12:49

Неужели ни одного локализатора за столько лет не нашлось...тьфу!Только и знают как бы защиту свою круче сделать!


post 06-Апр-10 13:04 (спустя 14 минут)

Игра норм спасибо


post 06-Апр-10 13:23 (спустя 19 минут)

Ц Цитата:

Неужели ни одного локализатора за столько лет не нашлось...тьфу!Только и знают как бы защиту свою круче сделать!
Локализатор был Фаргус, только тогда они были пиратами и игру они выпустили без музыки, и кривым переводом.


post 06-Апр-10 14:09 (спустя 45 минут)

Ц gastraler писал(а):

Ц Цитата:

Неужели ни одного локализатора за столько лет не нашлось...тьфу!Только и знают как бы защиту свою круче сделать!
Локализатор был Фаргус, только тогда они были пиратами и игру они выпустили без музыки, и кривым переводом.
Да..)Фаргус много че тогда напереводили)Молодцы..А у меня от Triada перевод валяется,пылится на полочке.Но я про ОФИЦИАЛКУ конечно говорил


post 06-Апр-10 15:19 (спустя 1 час 9 минут)

Фан патч и русик несовместимы, автор раздачи конечно молодец что не в теме....


post 06-Апр-10 17:18 (спустя 1 час 58 минут)

Ц Цитата:

Фан патч и русик несовместимы, автор раздачи конечно молодец что не в теме....
Не в теме так не в теме, давай соберемся и переведем :wolverine:


post 06-Апр-10 18:08 (спустя 50 минут)

То есть?
Поподробнее можно что с чем совместимо и какие версии патча/русика ставить :)


post 06-Апр-10 18:29 (спустя 21 минута)

Русификатор VampRusSetup_1.2.exe от Русской Борзой полностью совместим с официальным патчем vtmb12.exe, при условии что вы установите этот патч, о проблемах установки читайте тут: http://v-bloodlines.info/combat/files/patch.html (у них есть заплатки на Российские пиратки).
Лично я проходил игру полностью толи с патчем 6.4, толи 6.6, ну не помню.
Сэйвы совместиы
Игра проходима вообще без патчей, в одном месте только придется применить Чит код смены карты.


post 06-Апр-10 22:38 (спустя 4 часа)

И русик и патч используют пару скриптов, разные версии по разному конечно. Я этот фан патч не люблю, хоть и правит многое

ПС:переводить патч никто не будет, там все ресурсы игры + еще моды


post 08-Апр-10 19:34 (спустя 1 день 20 часов)

Напишите пожалуйста правильный порядок установки.


post 08-Апр-10 19:56 (спустя 22 минуты)

coffecup, игра + патч 1.2 + русик или игра + патч 1.2 + фанпатч


post 09-Апр-10 06:31 (спустя 10 часов)

Начальные ролики почему-то не отображаются, слышен только звук. Причём, при первом запуске, после них возникло главное меню, а вот когда я изменил разрешение в опциях на 1600х1200 и перезагрузил игрушку - оно тоже перестало отображаться: чёрный экран показывает, хотя звук есть.
Не знаете в чём трабл ?

Win7 32-bit, монитор 22"(широкоформат), DX февральский, кодеки K-lite 5-я версия.

Устанавливал игру, затем патч 1.2, затем NoCD, а затем руссификатор(галочку не убирал).


post 10-Апр-10 12:55 (спустя 1 день 6 часов)

Возможно проблемы с кодеками.
Устанавливал правильно, но зачем тебе Win7, Система не созрела.
Для дозревания системы требуется 5 лет :D


post 10-Апр-10 16:14 (спустя 3 часа)

Да пока проблем не возникало... Я боялся что она будет комп притормаживать сильнее по сравнению с ХР, но напрасно - всё бегает будь здоров.


post 16-Апр-10 17:07 (спустя 6 дней)

И все таки я немного перевел, видно правда только при создании персонажа (названия кланов)
Берем тут http://depositfiles.com/files/i542wrcuv

Замеченные ляпы в переводе игры шлите мне в Аську (642657634) или в Личку, буду заниматься дальше.
Потом выложу Репак.
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добавлено спустя 2 минуты:

Кто нибудь с хорошим знанием Английского и Русского!
Переведите пожалуйста это:
"Union Boss"
"You're a blue-collar success story, a self-made man of the people. The respect of your workers and the gratification of a job well done was all you ever wanted in return. So the kickbacks and extortion money was all icing. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Physical, Social, Mental.
"You believe in collective bargaining to get justice for working families. And if that fails, there's collective wrench beatings. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Physical, Social, Mental."
"Cut-Rate Party Clown"
"It was just supposed to be until you put things back together after Evelyn left you. Here it is 3 years and 3,246 scotches later. Somehow you've kept this gig going without one repeat customer. Truly, America is the greatest nation on earth. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Physical, Mental, Social."
"Your entire childhood was spent either in school or at practice. Daddy was too busy to tell you there's no such thing as a professional gymnast. And mommy. . . well, mommy was busy looking for new daddy. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Physical, Mental, Social."
"Juvenile Hall Disciplinarian"
"True Brujah"
"Many blame the stereotype of the rebellious Brujah on Troile, the hot-blooded Methuselah whose progeny comprise the bulwark of modern Clan Brujah. You share no blood with Troile. As such, you are predisposed to learned idealism instead of belligerent iconoclasm. You swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Physical, Social."
"Your beliefs center on the Gnostic pantheon, and your kinship with nature is strong. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Physical, Social."
"Pagan Priestess"
"You believe your Embrace into Clan Gangrel was destiny. Your were priestess to a pagan sect in life, and nature is the center of your mind, body, and soul. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Physical, Social."
"Degenerate Gambler"
"You knew you shoulda laid the chalk. You were down. Down big. But you had to press it on a parlay with the over and caught bad beat on the hook. On the friggin' hook. So much for Vegas. You figured you'd slum it around L.A. til you could build a roll to get back in. And that's when you met her. . . Swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Physical, Social."
"Women's Prison Guard"
"You had always hoped it would be more like skinemax. If only. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Physical, Social"
"Industry Lobbyist"
"You represented industry and pressed their agenda in the halls of power. Which Industry? Which one's paying? Swap the priority order of your attributes to Mental, Social, Physical."
"Video Game Publisher"
"Country Club Lothario"
"We're living in the age of soccer moms. And don't you know it. Yeah, hubby might pulling down 7 figures, but you got an empty day-planner and a grin that drops panties like putts on a par 3. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Southern Debutante"
"Mother would be so proud if she knew you were accepted into the *best* vampire clan around! Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental."
"Infomercial Huckster"
"I made millions from my tiny one-bedroom apartment, placing tiny classified ads, buying and selling, and with 1-900 lines. And so can you! Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental."
"Pharmaceutical Saleswoman"
"Some uptight types might say Fluoxetine for kids is over the line. Obviously, they have no idea what kind of profit margin those things pack. And have they spent time around kids? Please- they should put that stuff in baby formula. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental."
"Voyeur Website Model"
"Maybe you weren't the prettiest girl in school, but you could still make dirty old men sit up and beg. And pay for it. Hey, it beats Taco Hell. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Physical, Mental."
"Inoffensively Nutty Weatherman"
"Your inane banter and masterful use of the awkward segue was the toast of Bumblefuck, Illinois. So you took it to the big leagues and, wouldn't ya know it? First skank you pick up at an airport bar goes and kills you. Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Mental, Physical."
"Gossip Columnist"
"Item! You're Dead! Swap the priority order of your attributes to Social, Mental, Physical."
"The irony isn't lost on you now. All those nights in the echoing silence with the husks of former humanity. You always thought it was your fate you were staring into. Then one night it happened. Finally. One of them - a hell of a fine specimen, you were thinking - woke up. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Skills, Knowledges, Talents."
"Corporate Schmo"
"There's no room in your cubicle to hang your Business degree. You were reprimanded for having a wrinkled shirt. And you laughed when your buddy decided to major in Rhetoric. Now he's a sitcom writer and wears Birkenstocks to work. He always said 'business casual is the dress of defeat.' Maybe you could go back and get your MBA. . . Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Skills, Knowledges, Talents."
"Special Forces"
"Yeah, you were special forces. Black ops and all that. Which branch? You could say. . .but you'd have to kill everyone within earshot. No, seriously. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Skills, Talents, Knowledges."
"Con Artist"
"Only one thing counts in this life and that is to get them to sign on the line that is dotted. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Skills, Talents, Knowledges."
"War Profiteer"
"Er, Defense Contractor. Someone has to make sure the troops get hot meals and video teleconferencing from home. And if, while you're over there, you can help the natives get their economy running by landing some bloated, no-bid oil services contracts from your buddies in government, great! It's win-win! So one of your truck drivers gets beheaded on the internet; who doesn't realize that risk when they sign up for the job? Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Knowledges, Skills, Talents."
"Eco-Terrorist Hacker"
"Sticking it to the man, one denial-of-service at a time. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Knowledges, Skills, Talents."
"Vaguely Employed Twentysomething"
"It's about people, you know. Out here, on the streets, in the clubs. . . That's where it's going on. That's where it's coming together. Not in some boardroom. And the people don't wear ties. The next generation of leaders isn't coming from the suburbs. What? You want to go there? Why? It's going off here. . . open bar? Well, OK. . . Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Knowledges, Talents, Skills."
"Rehab Counselor"
"I always said he'd come to no good in the end, your honor. If they'd let me have my way, I could've flayed him into shape.' Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Talents, Knowledges, Skills."
"Your representation was highly sought. And you were well compensated. You played every bit as hard as the boys cuz it takes brass balls to get it done in this town, and goddamn if you didn't have the biggest pair. You were a power player. A threat. And your competition couldn't handle getting shown up by a girl, so they sold you out to an undead predator. Pfft. Typical. This town is full of hate. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Talents, Knowledges, Skills."
"You had the streets wired. There was nothing you couldn't find. Drugs, guns, prostitutes of every shape, age, and color. One time you got Giraffe Ribeyes on a 24-hour notice. And apparently you've had more than a couple vampire clients. Who knew? You left an impression and now here you are. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Talents, Knowledges, Skills."
"Purveyor of Vice"
"Velvet Rope Doorman"
"You hand-craft the scene with nothing more than a clipboard, a cheap headset, and a dispassionate contempt for humanity. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Talents, Skills, Knowledges."
"Dive Bar Bouncer"
"Lounge Singer Seductress"
"Drunken overtures from traveling businessmen. Room keys from toupeed conventioneers. A handful of restraining orders. This is the legacy of your career in entertainment. Swap the priority order of your Abilities to Talents, Skills, Knowledges."
"Blunt Fangs"
"Things were never easy for you. You fought for every scrap that was eventually stolen from you. You treasure everything you have, and savor every hard lesson learned, even while you suspect god hates you. This luck carried over to undeath. You have blunt fangs. Every feeding yields 2 less blood points for you. But as an appreciative loser, you gain more experience from life's lessons. You get an experience bonus to every experience award of 3 or more."
"You were a great cop- until a meth head's knife glanced your spine and left you relegated to deskwork for the rest of your career. You start with 2 in Firearms, and 1 in Intimidation, but you may never raise your Stamina above 3."
"You love women. Good god almighty, do you love women. You love their bits n' you love their pieces. Mmmmmm yeah. They never really reciprocated your interest, but, well, fuck 'em. In undeath your suppressed appetites have reemerged- you gain extra blood when feeding on a human of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, undeath has done little for your personality. Your Subterfuge cannot be raised above 1."
"So you're a little boycrazy. And maybe you like to get guys' attention. And maybe you like to fool around. That don't mean people have the right to go talking about you and calling you names- They don't know you! In undeath your now-stunted sexual appetite has reemerged in a curious way; You more readily digest the fluids of the opposite sex, and therefore get gain extra blood when feeding on men. Unfortunately, having slept your way through life, you have a hard time learning its little lessons. You must spend more experience to raise your Mental Attributes."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Dropped on Head as a Baby"
"If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. As a kid you took a lot of abuse for that funny slope in your skull. Until you started fighting back. You have an amazing resilience to punishment, and start with two extra points of Stamina. You are, however, a bit slow. It costs more experience for you to raise any of your mental attributes."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Glass Eye"
"It's true what they said. You shot your eye out. It was hard growing up with a creepy glass eye, but as an adult you learned to put it to work for you. There's something about your unnerving stare that makes people do what you say. You start with two points in Intimidation, but you also start with a Perception of 0."
"Long Foot, Little Foot"
"'Don't help me!' Your dual deformities make life difficult, but you're one of those hard-luck, triumph-in-the-face-of-adversity stories that people gobble up. You can never raise your Dexterity above 1, but you start with an extra point in Humanity, Charisma, and Wits."
"Trash, rabble, scum - whatever you call it, you're the supernatural equivalent. You come from a long line of gutter-dwelling, bottom-feeding, undead riffraff. As such, you are predisposed to the dregs of humanity- you get extra blood when feeding on bums and hookers. Your unwashed legacy doesn't leave you much in the way of education however- it costs you more experience points to raise your Knowledge Abilities."
"Your old man was a bastard. You can say that now. It took years just to be able to mention him. You're making progress, but you still avoid confrontation, and you don't know if you'll ever be comfortable with being touched. You start with one rank of Stealth, but it costs more experience to raise your Brawl Ability."
"Hard-Ass Chica"
"You were born into a neighborhood just outside of downtown L.A. It might as well been the Third World. And you were just one girl kicking and biting her way to survival. In the middle of famine and marauding victimizers, gang life was life. You start with a thrityeight, and one point in firearms. Your life in the streets hasn't left you with the greatest patience for instruction. You must spend more experience in order to raise your Knowledge Abilities."
"Highway Drifter"
"Between the small towns that dot the Midwest there's a lot of open space, a lot of long shadows, and a lot of room to disappear. You know, you've done it. And you may have helped some other people do it too. You start the game with a Knife and one point Melee, but you start with a Humanity score of 5."
"Science has yet to prove the link between marijuana use and decreased mental capacity. You say you've always been a little slow, but that's just because you're so mellow. You start with 0 Wits, but are less prone to Frenzy."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Cadaverous Flesh"
"Each manifestation of vampirism is unique. Yours, it turns out, carries an unfortunate deficiency. Your body wants to rot. It's nothing that can't be overcome, but it is a constant drain on you. Your body heals at a slower rate than normal, since it takes more energy to return your rotting flesh to peak condition. On the upside, your flesh is malleable. It costs you less experience to raise your Physical Attributes. Oh, and you start with a Charisma score of 0 because of the. . . peculiar odor."
"Eerie Presence"
"Most vampires have no problem fitting in to mortal society. You don't know what it is, but you just can't pull it off. You're doing everything they're doing, but something about you seems to make humans uneasy. Sometimes, it seems like they can just sense you. You were a perfectly affable, intellectual human. So what gives? It costs less experience to raise your Mental attributes, but it costs you more experience to raise your Social Attributes and your Stealth Ability."
"Deceptive Strength"
"You used to be quite clumsy, but the Embrace gave you unnatural reserves of physical power. You start with 0 Dexterity and 0 Perception, but when you use Blood Buff it lasts twice as long."
"Rapacious Bloodlust"
"The Embrace brought out a mean streak in you. You're constantly fighting the urge to kill, even as your power to do so grows. You start with an extra point in Strength and Brawl, but you are more likely to frenzy. Your impatient emeanor makes stealth more difficult; it takes more experience to raise your Stealth ability."
"The Embrace made you feel lighter than air, a sensation that has yet to leave you. Celerity has a longer duration, but it costs you more experience to raise Potence."
"A bully in life, a tyrant in death. You were born into undeath with savage combat prowess and an inclination to use it. And when you do, it's a terrible sight to behold. It costs you fewer experience points to raise Presence, and you start with a point in melee. It costs you more to raise Celerity, however, and you start with one fewer humanity point."
"Rumor has it you are descended from the legendary Chupacabra- the blood-frenzied devil that has haunted the Mexican countryside for generations. The veracity of this dubious distinction is impossible to discern, but your feral instincts are strong. You start with one extra point in Protean. Unfortunately your purported progenitor may have left you with a deficiency as well- You may never raise your Fortitude Discipline above 3."
"Mortal creatures sense vampires as an abomination, outsiders to the natural order. Your presence however seems to pacify the animal spirit like a sickly sweet intoxicant. Your Animalism effects last longer and are more powerful, but you have difficulty maintaining any Protean effect for long."
"Maybe it's the vague compulsion to spin a web, or when you catch yourself trying to use your imaginary feelers, but something tells you your Gangrel blood is exceptional. You are able to prolong the duration of both Protean and ortitude. Unfortunately your nature is even further from human than the average Gangrel. You start with no points in the following: Wits, Charisma, Appearance, and Animalism."
"Anda Gangrel"
"Descendent of nomadic vampire warriors, you were bred for extreme trials of endurance. You start with Extra points in Stamina and Fortitude. Anda blood is not of this land however, and your spirit is not linked with the native fauna. You start with no points in Animalism, and Animalism costs you more experience to raise."
"You think you're a ninja. Kee-ai! You start with a point in Brawl and a point in Melee, but Firearms can never be raised above zero, as guns are anathema to your Code of the Silent Killer. Ducks too. Ducks are anathema too."
"The paralyzing fear of eternal death has an iron grip on you. Doom is just around the corner, for you, for everyone, you just know it. And you lack faith in your vampiric abilities. What's the use anyway? You don't trust Obfuscate to work and therefore cannot maintain the effect for very long- each level of Obfuscate has a shorter duration than normal. You are constantly on the lookout for danger however, and can maintain Auspex for twice as long as normal."
"Completely Batshit"
"The curse of the Clan Malkavian burns white hot in your veins. You are a brimming cauldron of lunacy. The effects of your Dementate are greater and last longer. It's difficult to wrap your wriggling brain around the concept of invisibility however, and you must spend more experience to raise you skill in Obfuscate."
"Humanity is a fascinating spectacle indeed. Everyone has wanted to be a fly on the wall at one time or another, but you were obsessed with the idea. As luck would have it, your Nosferatu progenitors all had a penchant for peeping as well. You come from a long line of gifted perverts, and your Obfuscate effects last longer. This preoccupation has weakened your bloodline in other respects; Your Potence starts at 0."
"There are fates worse than death. You know this. In life, you were an object of desire. Men wanted you, women wanted to be like you. You have been transformed into a cruel mockery of your former self. As someone acutely aware of how easy life is for the beautiful people, you have unique insight into the psychology of human and vampire alike. You start with one point in Subterfuge. Your intense desire to do nothing more than hide (forever) has given your Obfuscation powers a longer duration. You were never much of an animal lover, however, and it will cost you more experience to raise your Animalism discipline."
"Your rebirth as a hideous beast was a dream come true. The power is intoxicating. And now you're going to make them pay- all of them. You start with one point in Melee, and an extra point in Potence. You never felt much empathy for other living things, however, and now it will cost you more experience to buy Humanity points."
"Shepherd of Vermin"
"Like a creature of urban legend you commune with pestilent scavengers and share their filthy domains. Your Animalism effects are more powerful and long-lasting. Your diseased blood has trouble sustaining Potence; all Potence durations are decreased."
"Decadent Enchantress"
"Beautiful, bored, and sociopathic. You amuse yourself by testing the limits of your suitors' devotions, and you delight at the ruin they willfully suffer for your affections. You start with one extra point in Apperance and one in Subterfuge, but your Celerity has a shorter duration."
"Beautiful Monster"
"You are ruled by your passions. And some of them ain't pretty. People find you absolutely mesmerizing. But you were always too self-absorbed to bother with normal human repartee. Your Presence effects last longer than other Toreador, but you start with a Wit of 0 and are more likely to Frenzy when things aren't going your way."
"Uncanny Awareness"
"You swear to god you can see the future. Not years from now, or even next week, but moment-to-moment you always see what's coming. You are so acutely aware of your surroundings that you've been known to dodge bullets without looking. This ability is further manifest as a superior form of Auspex. You receive greater benefits from Auspex and can maintain its effects longer. Unfortunately, the sheer volume of information makes you more deliberate than most; it costs you more experience to raise your Celerity Discipline."
"Your are a creature of delicate beauty and ephemeral grace. You seem more likely to have sprung from the pages of Spenser or Keats than Shelley or Stoker. Your Presence and Celerity have a greater duration, but you are a truly delicate being- it costs more experience to raise your Stamina, Strength, Firearms, and Intimidation."
"Eldritch Prodigy"
"You have a natural gift for the dark arts of Thaumaturgy, and can use it to greater effect than most Tremere. Thaumaturgy is your all-consuming passion, to the exclusion of nearly every other pursuit. You suffer a one point penalty to any experience award of 3 or more."
"Your forebears paid an awful price in their quest for power. The deal still holds, and you'll continue to pay for all eternity. Advancement in Thaumaturgy costs you less experience, but Auspex has half the duration, and you may never raise Dominate above 3."
"You've always been persuasive, but as a Vampire few can deny your will. You start with one point in Subterfuge and your Dominate effects are stronger and last longer. As someone who is used to having others serve her, you must spend more experience to raise your Skills."
"In addition to the Beast Within, you struggle against an even darker force. You feel the pull of salvation and damnation in your every action. Your Presence has a greater duration, but you start with one less Humanity, and you are more likely to Frenzy."
"Not every Ventrue is afraid to get their hands dirty. Some problems need to be met head on, and occasionally matters are too delicate to sic the Gangrel on them. While your bloodline doesn't come from the sunny side of the Ventrue family tree, they've always been entrusted to take care of such problems. Your Fortitude has a greater duration, but it costs you more experience to raise Presence."
"You have a big ego. Because of your confidence in yourself and your abilities, people either really hate you, or are drawn to you. NPC's reaction adjustments to you are doubled."
"All-Star Athlete"
"You were an excellent athlete who excelled at all physical activities. However, you're not naturally the sharpest tool in the shed. Compound that with the fact that you spent most of your time and energy exercising, you really don't know much about anything else. You gain a bonus to athletics but can never raise your intelligence higher than 4."
"Close To the Beast"
"After you were Embraced, you were naturally more in tune with the Beast within and that affinity is now physically apparent. You start with one level in Protean but others, especially kine, will find your appearance distasteful. (-5 reaction for vampires other than Gangrel and -20 for kine.)"
"Subtly Insane"
"Your insanity does not hinder your ability to interact with others too greatly. At first glance, most wouldn't even second-guess your mental stability. You speak using normal dialogue but your unique form of dementia flares up more easily when provoked in combat. You may hallucinate during combat."
"Well Educated"
"You were very privileged and gained excellent education all-around. You have a bonus in a variety of abilities (such as Athletics, Firearms, and a point in all Knowledge traits) but you're mild tempered and weak-willed. You are more susceptible to dominate and intimidate and your frenzy does not do as much damage."
"Affinity for Magic"
"You were very privileged and gained excellent education all-around. You have a bonus in a variety of abilities (such as Athletics, Firearms, and a point in all Knowledge traits) but you're mild tempered and weak-willed. You are more susceptible to dominate and intimidate and your frenzy does not do as much damage."
"The Nosferatu blood from your sire was rather weak and the blood curse did not take too strong a hold on you. You're only deformed where the moon doesn't shine (Beauty no higher than 2), but it is one-and-a-half times more difficult for you to learn the disciplines of your clan (6*RANK)."
"Starving Artist"
"You were a starving artist. You start with the clothes on your back and $5. Because of your poor background, you do not have any compunction against wearing ugly clothes. You do not have any equipment restrictions."
"You were a black-hearted, violence loving, badass when you were alive, and you're still an evil maniac in unlife. You have a humanity of 5 but start with a gun and +1 to your firearms skill."
"Occult Nut"
"Who would ever have thought that any of it could be real? You loved dark fantasies and considered yourself Occult-savvy. Now that you're among the Kindred, you find that you actually know some of this stuff and are really excited about learning more about your new state of unlife. You start with a bonus to the Occult and gain a bonus to earning experience. Other Kindred find you disdainful and their reaction towards you is lowered."
"You were the Academic type, as was your Brujah sire, living up to the old Brujah image of the poet-warrior. Your attributes are prioritized differently, with Mental being the most important, then Physical, followed by Social."
"Eco-Terrorist Hacker"
"You were a computer hacker expert dedicated to preserving the environment. Your sire was attracted to your dedication respect for nature. Over the years, you've learned much and your abilities are prioritized differently with Knowledges being of the utmost importance. Skills and Talents follow respectively."
"Discipline and order, tactics and warfare: these are the reasons why you joined the army. Not only did you fit in perfectly, you excelled in the military. Swap the priority order for your Attributes to Physical, Mental, and Social."
"While in the Police force, you've developed quite a skill with firearms. You start with a bonus to the firearms skill. However, you quit the forces after receiving a crippling injury while in the line of duty. Your Dexterity cannot be raised above 1."
"It's not your fault you were born lacking in the appearance department with your Appearance capped at 1. Since nobody likes you, your unfulfilled and repressed sexual desires have turned you into quite the little pervert. Now in your unlife, you find that you digest the vitae from member of the opposite gender more efficiently."
"Pot Head"
"Scientists say that smoking pot can make you more stupid. That may explain your terrible memory as you often forget names and other details. However, you have a very relaxed attitude towards life, or the unlife. You gain a bonus to Frenzy checks."
"You were born practically deaf. Not only did you overcome your disability, you enjoy helping others cope and get ahead in life. You start with a Humanity of 8. Also, while you do not wish to be presumptuous, but you have a vague feeling that Lady Luck smiles upon you."
Пришлите в Аську или личчку!


post 20-Апр-10 06:44 (спустя 3 дня)

Добавлено исправление русификатора.
Установка Игра + фанпатч 6.8 + NoCD + русик полностью рабочая.

Пишите про Глюки, Ляпы!!!


post 20-Апр-10 11:41 (спустя 4 часа)

Ребята, как дело обстоит с широкоформатниками ? 1680х1050 к примеру, разрешение можно выставить ? Игра крутая, когда то половину прошел, пока видуха не сгорела.


post 20-Апр-10 11:56 (спустя 14 минут)

Было бы не плохо ), но игра поддерживает только: 800 х 600 х 32
1024 х768 х32
1280 х 1024 х 32

Хм.. интересный вопрос..., еще лучше 1920 х 1080


post 20-Апр-10 14:57 (спустя 3 часа)

Если уж типа ставить фан патч то в порядке
Игра - патч 1.2 - русик под патч 1.2 - фанпатч - русик под фанпатч. Иначе будет шляпа.


post 20-Апр-10 17:27 (спустя 2 часа 30 минут)

Ц Цитата:

Patch 1.2 is no longer neccessary to upgrade to the latest unofficial patch! Any unofficial patch from 6.0 on has this patch integrated.

Текущее время: 16-Июн 02:43

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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