
Скачать торрент Farm Expert 2016 (Ravenscourt, PlayWay Inc) {RUS|ENG} [Repack] от xatab

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post 07-Июл-15 00:01

не впадайте в крайности - проблема в игре а не в компе!! видимо с процом не дружит... подождем - если проект не сольется и будит развиваться - разрабы поправят!!


post 09-Июл-15 08:22 (спустя 2 дня 8 часов)

Вопрос не нашел.А мультиплеер в данной раздаче работает?


post 10-Июл-15 19:13 (спустя 1 день 10 часов)

Вышло обновление 2.22
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Yes, uploading to Steam depot right now. Changelog below:

version 2.22, 2015-07-10
* adjusted/fixed bad collisions near one of the bridges
* sheep/goat shed: removed collision objects (pipes), fixed rainwater gutter - texture problem
* adjusted connections params: hercules 100,200,300,400,500
* Soil rollers: fixed sliding effect
* TerraDig XS: fixed wrong machine category - plough to subsoiler.
* refuelling boundaries strict now - overfuelling/large negatives should not happen anymore.
* seeders have more fluent 3p params, should not bump when lowered.
* trailers with fixed connections have more up/down tolerance. Big trailers were lifting small tractors - fixed.
* adjusted solver params for 3p connections, smoother behavior (physics) of 3p attached machines.
* dung pile scaled correctly
* rebalanced dung usage (more realistic amounts per area).
* orchard grass mowing: removed warning of cutting too young grass.
* few building upgrades could have visually revert to older versions when travelling far from farm (not functionally tho) - fixed.
* increased internal limits of objects - for players who like to store a lot (of bales, crates and so forth).
* proper blending on automap and in pad for round, smooth icons.
* optimisations for displaying large amounts of animals
* proper wheel speeds of grain trailers
* further optimisations for "low performance graphics card" setting
* orchard: mowed grass does leave hay, but not near growing trees.
* detaching trailer does not turn tractor lights off.
* reduced daily gain on animals.
* reduced animals resale prices - some more, some less. More realistic and balanced.
* Automatic breeding of animals restored. This depends on several factors - number of animals, season, player "breeder" skill.
* fixed doubling round bales on balers upon game save.
* several optimisations for middle sky shadows

Next update in two weeks, scheduled for 24th. Have fun :).


post 11-Июл-15 13:47 (спустя 18 часов)

MSVCR110.dll чьо за хрень vcredist стоят последние


post 11-Июл-15 15:25 (спустя 1 час 38 минут)


поставьте не последнюю а ту которую просит ;) microsoft visual c++ лучше, что бы как можно больше, версий стояли... - потому как программы и игры просят не последнюю а каждому свою)))


post 11-Июл-15 17:30 (спустя 2 часа 4 минуты)

да поставил все а толку ноль


post 11-Июл-15 19:21 (спустя 1 час 51 минута)


почитайте тут
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post 11-Июл-15 19:42 (спустя 20 минут)

Попробуй установить Visual Hybrid из этого набора http://rustorka3.innal.top/forum/viewtopic.php?t=164793


post 12-Июл-15 18:44 (спустя 23 часа)

Ну когда же уже обновят, очень хочется поиграть с плантациями сада. Все остальные симуляторы ферм не осилил. Эта самая прикольная)


post 12-Июл-15 19:54 (спустя 1 час 9 минут)

Ждем и надеемся на Хатабыча (((


post 15-Июл-15 02:19 (спустя 2 дня 6 часов)

очередная убогая игра для дцп....


post 01-Сен-15 05:38 (спустя 1 месяц 17 дней)

Как бы версия игры уже 2.25, а у вас и на других трекерах до сих пор v2.18.
Xatab, может исправите сию несправедливость!? :oops: :) А то толку от торента если он старьё. Знаю, что игру гнобят в том числе и я :lol: слегка поднадоел FS15 решил посмотреть эту и еще лишний раз убедиться, что игра говно, а может что - нибудь заставит меня передумать :D Как ни как разрабы запилили уже 2.25 + там уже есть какое то DLC.

Если игра заслужила целых три страницы комментариев, не важно каких, то торрент обязательно стоит обновить :lol:
Списки изменений патчи 2.19 - 2.25
version 2.19, 2015-06-24
* Optimised final lods for "Low Performance graphics card" settings
* Optimised final post process pass for "Low Performance graphics card" settings
* rebuilt player physics code to make one move solidly on surfaces, without sliding on flats or downs.
* removed jerky "as-if-on-stairs" player downward movement on terrain. It should be smooth now.
* several fixes to vehicles sliding down on slopes. Vehicles might prefer to drive downwards depending on the wheel rotation rather than slide to the side. Also it should be much better while driving slowly, especially with smaller orchard machines.
* Midlands: removed wood bales too close to one of the fields. Nearby trees were also slightly moved away.
* 2 ballers: retextured interiors (fixes).
* MP: much better optimisation of data sent between players and server
* MP: highly reduced update tick, which should decrease traffic jams on slower synchronous networks.
* MP: better interpolation of player movement and rotation (smooth movement of network avatars).
* MP: much better interpolation of wheels and attachments, no more sticking through each other nor wheels sticking through mudguards.
* MP: removed vehicle jumps on vehicle enter
* MP: fixed trailer jumps upon attaching these (same with forward attachments\headers)
* MP: adjusted drivers' running animation
* MP: proper synchro of all vehicles lights
* MP: avatar vehicles have proper joint params to avoid stresses and rapid position/rotation movements of attached machines
* MP: proper order of connecting messages between server, steam and client, to properly exchange and synchronize initial data even on longer loading times and slower networks.
* MP: proper order of handshakes and avatar name/colour exchange

version 2.20, 2015-06-25
* physics jumps fixed.
* Restored original compact damping params. This caused more problems than solved. Slight sliding may probably return (for a time), but trailers and physics should be fine again.
* slight improvements to several tractors' power and torque
* fixed several tractor-trailer connections.
* fixed several trailers wheel params.
* adjusted quality of cut ready soy, wheat and barley
* fixed bug of buying already aged animals right after selling them.

version 2.21, 2015-07-03
* fixed bridges geometry: cars should not fall. one rare invisible wall removed.
* stored hay capacity was decreased to 30.000 after game load. fixed.
* fixed pushing vehicles during entering.
* optimisations for middle sky shadow settings (shadow render details)
* several optimisations for multithread data traffic/cues
* reconfigured priority class settings for main and child threads which might help with low performance on high end systems (feedback needed)
* camera remembered between vehicles (doesn't get reset to internal when entering a vehicle)
* combine headers/w ground collision - should be much better, no bumping on fields.
* introduced another LOD level for terrain (optimisation)
* decreased vehicle repair price, both in home garage and in pad menu.
* "worn" and "dirty" statuses increase only when the machine is actually working or driving
* forward attached machines get dirty too.
* object storage and search loops slightly optimized
* fill rate in HUD limited to 100%. While it sometimes overfills in reality (esp. combines), it might have been misleading.
* subdued sounds in vehicle cabin
* New mechanism for creating and mixing engine sounds
* New set of engine sounds
* pad Tutorial couldn't switch to objectives - fixed.
* fixed accidental upgrading of bird cages while clicking the "Up" button in buildings pad menu.
* updated internal font conversion tables to support additional languages (incl. Czech)
* MP: highly optimised broadcasting of vehicle status (could have created network traffic jams)
* restored moving tracks and transporters
* AI worker selects proper harvester depending on crops to harvest.
* AI harvested beets and potatoes properly fill proper silo.
* new set of better looking and better optimised trees
* fixed driving damaged vehicle using tempomat
* fixed teleporting with front 3p attached machine
* fixed annoying 1-frame glitch when entering the vehicle

version 2.22, 2015-07-10
* adjusted/fixed bad collisions near one of the bridges
* sheep/goat shed: removed collision objects (pipes), fixed rainwater gutter - texture problem
* adjusted connections params: hercules 100,200,300,400,500
* Soil rollers: fixed sliding effect
* TerraDig XS: fixed wrong machine category - plough to subsoiler.
* refuelling boundaries strict now - overfuelling/large negatives should not happen anymore.
* seeders have more fluent 3p params, should not bump when lowered.
* trailers with fixed connections have more up/down tolerance. Big trailers were lifting small tractors - fixed.
* adjusted solver params for 3p connections, smoother behavior (physics) of 3p attached machines.
* dung pile scaled correctly
* rebalanced dung usage (more realistic amounts per area).
* orchard grass mowing: removed warning of cutting too young grass.
* few building upgrades could have visually revert to older versions when travelling far from farm (not functionally tho) - fixed.
* increased internal limits of objects - for players who like to store a lot (of bales, crates and so forth).
* proper blending on automap and in pad for round, smooth icons.
* optimisations for displaying large amounts of animals
* proper wheel speeds of grain trailers
* further optimisations for "low performance graphics card" setting
* orchard: mowed grass does leave hay, but not near growing trees.
* detaching trailer does not turn tractor lights off.
* reduced daily gain on animals.
* reduced animals resale prices - some more, some less. More realistic and balanced.
* Automatic breeding of animals restored. This depends on several factors - number of animals, season, player "breeder" skill.
* fixed doubling round bales on balers upon game save.
* several optimisations for middle sky shadows

version 2.23, 2015-07-24
* VOSA DT600, Xena Ophis 12 - Fixed: adjusted physics parameters.
* T-Rex 814 and T-Rex 411 - Fixed: changed capacity of machines.
* GRimme GL420, Xena Lyceus, Kuhn Sitera - Fixed: wheels should rotate ok.
* Xena U3000 SPR, Froita Heron 960 - Fixed: replaced machines tags 'Self-propelled crop protection sprayer' to 'Crop protection sprayer'.
* Plougs Pottinger, SIPMA, Lemken, - Fixed: reduced high prices.
* silage and hay max storages are set evenly to 80,000 kg.
* reordering fertilising (by plane) of the same field could have given no effect - fixed.
* fertilising planes drop fertilisers no matter what player distance is.
* proper panel and field info on fertilising field with sprayers - this is the Y% in X%/Y% spraying indicator.
* proper fertilising states and field coverage after plane fertilising.
* removed random field bumps for seeders and planters
* improved connection params so that connected machines should not want to stop tractors (but slowing down to working speeds is still here on purpose and depends directly on tractor BHP for CVT and BHP & gear for manual gearboxes - selecting proper gear for manual gearbox is crucial for working speeds!)
* optimised and recompiled shaders
* added more debug info, which might help with rare cases of shaders not being created
* a bit adjusted trees' collision objects
* optimisations for orchard trees
* orchard trees: recentered collisions.
* tractor rear wheels no longer bump up/down on field uneven soil, they rather flatten the irregularities.
* planting workers and ploughs visible in rear view mirrors, not only in rear cameras.

version 2.24, 2015-07-24
* bales disappearing from several trailers fixed
* bale sale prices increased for all kinds of bales accordingly.

version 2.25, 2015-08-05
* New free machine: Sipma RN 1000 Boryna
* Sipma Dromader (DLC machines) - fixed bale detection ranges and angles, machine fully operational
* Sipma Dromader (DLC machines) - improved bale animations and physics params - nice and easy bale picking up, transport and storage.
* Turkish language version, Translated by SimülasyonTÜRK http://www.simulasyonturk.com
* Lemken Juvel2 (DLC machines) leaves a proper groove.
* manure usage adjusted for more realistic amounts used on field
* huge optimisations to ground hay/swath database memory consumption and performance (esp. over long time played).
* ploughs and cultivators do destroy swath on fields.
* a bit less spread of swath behind combines
* forage wagons do pick up straw as well (it can also be used as animals' food, no need to bale it).
* rakes do work on straw as well, not only on grass
* baler's pickup area widened slightly
* adjustments to workers' menu to avoid overlapping of few texts.
* adjusted params of front 3P for orchard machines


post 01-Сен-15 06:20 (спустя 41 минута)

Я бы обновил но в сети нет ни кряков ни обновлений.


post 02-Сен-15 16:01 (спустя 1 день 9 часов)

Значит, видимо не судьба :)


post 07-Ноя-15 16:58 (спустя 2 месяца 5 дней)

Может уже обновишь игру? Уже как месяц в сети гуляет 2.26 версия с кряком postmortem, так же отдельно к нему есть русик 1.6 версии.

Текущее время: 04-Май 15:13

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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