
Скачать торрент X Rebirth.v 1.25.1 (Бука) (RUS, ENG \ ENG) (обновлён от 14.03.2014) [Repack] от Fenixx

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post 16-Ноя-13 16:10

X Rebirth.v 1.25.1


Дата выхода: 14 ноября 2013
Дата выхода в России: 15 ноября 2013
Жанр: Simulator (Space) / 3D / Privateer/Trader
Мультиплеер: -
Разработчик: Egosoft
Издатель: Deep Silver
Издатель в России: Бука
Локализатор: Бука
Тип издания: Repack (Лицензии)
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Вшита (ALI.v 1.25.1)
Сайт игры: http://www.deepsilver.com/en/game-view/view/game/access12/x-rebirth/
Системные требования:
Операционная система: XP SP3 (64 bit), Vista SP2 (64 bit), 7 SP1 (64 bit), 8 (64 bit)
Процессор: i5 - 2,0 ГГц \ i7 - 2,5 ГГц
Оперативной памяти: 4096 Мб \ 8192 Мб
Свободного места на жестком диске: 5469 Мб
Видеокарта: GeForce GT400 или Radeon 4870HD, (512 Мб), (DirectX9) \ GeForce GT500 или Radeon 5870HD, (1024 Мб), (DirectX9)
Файловая система: NTFS
Важно: перед установкой отключаем Антивирус и Файрвол
Краткое описание:
Далекое будущее. Вселенная Х находится в стадии коренных и неотвратимых перемен. Пока мир шагает в неопределенность, новые враги восстают в поисках силы. Вместе с этим наших героев — юного авантюриста и его спутницу, — встречают бесконечные приключения. Двое молодых людей на прославленном в боях потрепанном космическом корабле столкнутся со вселенной один на один и сыграют ключевую роль в будущих событиях. Судьба галактики в руках игрока...
X Rebirth — это возрождение серии космических симуляторов «Х». Новая игра разрабатывается как для поклонников серии Х, так и для новичков, которые только собираются отправиться в бескрайнее путешествие по огромному, яркому и кипящему жизнью миру! Множество игровых элементов! Эпические баталии в космосе, более детальная механика торговли, высокоскоростное исследование космоса с возможностью моментальных путешествий — все это и многое другое образует абсолютно уникальную космическую сагу, события которой не позволят вам оторваться от монитора сотни часов.
X Rebirth привносит новый игровой опыт — легкий для освоения новичками и достаточно глубокий, чтобы поклонники серии остались довольными!
Особенности игры:
* Торгуйте! Экономическая модель предельно реалистична. Каждое ваше действие имеет значение! Путешествуйте по городам, кишащим кораблями и дронами, чтобы извлечь свою экономическую выгоду.
* У каждого судна своя цель. Остановите грузовой транспорт, перевозящий определенный товар, и его поставки приостановятся, что вызовет рост цен.
* Сражайтесь! Масштабы сражений в X Rebirth не имеют пределов — от небольших локальных стычек до эпических побоищ между флотилиями!
* Ведите войну на всех уровнях. Уничтожайте турели и генераторы щитов, чтобы ослабить врагов, повреждайте двигатели и гиперприводы, чтобы не дать противникам скрыться, останавливайте работу их фабрик и заводов, чтобы обрушить экономику.
* Стройте! Создайте свою личную Империю! Вы можете обладать всем — от торгово-обменных пунктов до огромных заводов, от ферм до высокотехнологичных военных комплексов. Вы можете обладать всем! Стройте ради продажи и наживы или чтобы укрепить свою военную мощь и задавить противника.
* Расширяйте и укрепляйте свои станции, чтобы сделать их работу эффективнее. В X Rebirth вы лично можете увидеть, как происходит каждый процесс. Добывайте ресурсы сами, чтобы развитие вашей империи шло как по маслу.
* Принимайте решения! Богатый сюжет с массой мелких деталей, в котором вы в любой момент можете принять участие и изменить ход событий. Вы сами определяете свой темп изучения вселенной — выберите собственный путь и сами вершите свою судьбу.
* Найдите общий язык с инопланетянами и гуманоидами. Высаживайтесь на космических станциях, заводите новые знакомства, принимайте задания случайных знакомых или даже нанимайте их в свою команду.
* Торгуйте, сражайтесь, стройте и принимайте решения во вселенной Х — крупнейшей «песочнице» по эту сторону галактики!

Установленные патчи:
v 1.12
* Added error message boxes at game start for certain critical errors.
* Fixed crash at start-up involving sample frequency.
* Fixed several in-game crashes.
* Fixed German voice recordings including missing and incorrect lines.

v 1.13
* Fixed player occasionally being sent 1000s of km into space on leaving superhighway.
* Fixed some invalid (but harmless) values in some savegames.
* Fixed some causes of ship traders getting stuck (more to come on this).

v 1.14
* Fixed crash when starting game caused by attached joystick.
* Fixed several causes of crashes in-game.
* Fixed boarding failure feedback.
* Fixed problem with gate not activating.
* Fixed UI issues with buttons being active where they shouldn't.
* Fixed ware categories not being expanded in trade offers.
* Fixed problem with secondary weapon panel not being visible sometimes.
* Fixed problem with player engineers on board capital ships and stations.
* Fixed issues with ship traders not accepting orders.

v 1.15
* Fixed a number of crashes during start-up and in-game.
* Fixed crash when docking at certain capital ships.
* Fixed a problem with missing flight control data in savegames.
* Fixed a stall when loading savegames.
* Fixed characters crouching when you talk to them.
* Fixed ships still following you when you remove them from your squad.
* Removed "Show me your skills" option for NPCs that cannot be hired.
* Increased voice volume in videos.
* Added feedback to indicate when you cannot hire someone because your crew is full (note: Yisha tells you, but there is currently no voice, only subtitles).
* Added data to try to help nVidia Optimus software select the correct GPU.
* Added fallback to show subtitles if the voice for a text line is missing, even if subtitles are off.
* Added Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese localisations.

v 1.16
* Fixed video stutter/crackle at start.
* Fixed several more crashes during start-up and in-game.
* Fixed specific crash when using Alt-Tab or changing shaders.
* Fixed specific crash when leaving a highway.
* Fixed several problems with trade ships being blocked from operating (more fixes to come).
* Fixed problem with not being able to see dock icons for certain ships.
* Fixed problem with certain missions potentially not working after saving and reloading.

v 1.17
* Added autosave facility.
* Added button to clear trade queue.
* Fixed crash after displaying fatal error dialog.
* Fixed stall loading certain savegames.
* Fixed target point list growing uncontrollably in certain situations.
* Fixed problem with ships not joining formations.
* Fixed ships getting stuck during mass traffic trades.
* Fixed several problems with ship scripts.
* Fixed lipsync on Split characters.
* Fixed dialog choices shown in wrong language when loading savegame from another language.
* Fixed the primary cause of highway exit crashes. Fix for a less common crash involving highways will follow as soon as possible.
* Hotfix: Fixed second cause of highway crashes.

v 1.18
* Fixed several causes of crashes in-game and when loading savegames.
* Fixed a specific problem resulting in periodic slow-downs.
* Improved general performance (first small improvement only, more to come).
* Fixed several problems resulting in trade ships getting stuck.
* Fixed several problems with ship/drone docking/undocking behaviour.
* Fixed problem with player drone formations.
* Fixed several small localisation issues.
* Improved skill levels for new NPCs.
* Improved readability of entries in interaction menus.
* Improved GPU listing on laptops with multiple GPUs (still some driver-related issues on certain hardware).

v 1.19
* Fixed major slowdown after loading savegames.
* Fixed several more causes of crashes.
* Fixed more cases of trade ships getting stuck.
* Fixed large ships being unable to trade with Canteran station in DeVries.
* Fixed undocking problems after trading.
* Fixed ammunition trade problems.
* Fixed mining drones getting stuck.
* Fixed negative number of drones in cargo.
* Fixed cargo bays containing more wares than they can hold.
* Fixed cockpit animations hanging (see note below).
* Fixed problem with targeting player-owned ships.
* Fixed incorrect player position during highway flight.
* Fixed player owned ships being assigned the wrong commander.
* Fixed ships with missing AI functionality.
* Fixed problems with Engineer functionality.
* Improved flight behaviour for boarding and claiming.
* Improved combat behaviour for capital ships.
* Fixed station defence problems.
* Fixed incorrect defence routines being used on ships.
* Fixed switching the AI mode of the Defence Officer.
* Added defend and attack mode options to Defence Officer.
* Rebalanced skills of existing NPCs in line with new ones.
* Rebalanced contents of boxes and other containers on platforms.
* Rebalanced cost of ship and station repair.
* Fixed transport passenger mission getting blocked after cutscene.
* Fixed sounds not stopping sometimes.
* Fixed buttons not working with mouse input.
* Added facility to unmap controls in control mapping menu (press Delete).
* Added video capture mode with ability to switch off cockpit (Expert settings).
* Fixed too many missing extensions breaking the load game menu.
* Several localisation improvements.

v 1.20
* Fixed several more causes of crashes and freezes.
* Fixed mouse controls not working after loading certain savegames.
* Fixed trade ships getting stuck after upgrade.
* Fixed skipping trade menu when going back to it.
* Fixed graphics options not setting correct shaders.
* Fixed missing build notifications from architects in other sectors.
* Fixed player trade ships trying to trade with enemy stations.
* Fixed menus showing out of date info about build progress.
* Fixed trades in another sector taking too long.
* Fixed upkeep mission to deliver architect to builder ship not ending.
* Fixed player ships not being returned during plot missions (will not re-create ships already lost, sorry).
* Improved ship movement in certain situations.
* Improved logic for station owned miners.
* Cell Recharge (fuel) stations in Omicron Lyrae now require Bofu instead of Food Rations.
* Various performance improvements (should be most noticeable when shadows are NOT enabled).

v 1.21
* Added new Refuel order.
* Fixed more causes of crashes.
* Fixed another case where the player could be teleported into the middle of nowhere.
* Fixed problem with NPCs being assigned to multiple locations.
* Fixed scan overlay not being removed when docking.
* Fixed capital ships standing still forever with the boost effect running.
* Fixed trade menu problem (in German only) when trying to sell and the ship doesn't have the requested ware.

v 1.22
* Fixed more causes of crashes.
* Fixed more causes of negative cargo amounts.
* Fixed several causes of zero-credit trades.
* Fixed incorrect display of station upgrade levels.
* Fixed engineers running wrong scripts.
* Fixed problems with cargo collect mode (mode must be stopped and restarted to take effect).
* Fixed problem with mining ships gathering the wrong resources.
* Added pilot command to stop current task.
* Reduced frequency of station warnings when attacking.
* Helpfulness of NPCs now depends more closely on relations.
* Added trade and welder drones to Canteran home station.
* Added options for borderless window mode and mouse confinement.
* Some small performance improvements.
* Added otherwise-unavailable wares to player station during plot mission.

v 1.24
* New feature: Manual target control with keys for target nearest crosshair, closest enemy and next/previous target. Further improvements planned.
* New feature: Logbook system covering non-plot missions, player ships, discounts/commissions and game tips. Logging of a wider range of events planned.
* Added shipyard to Gemstone Manufacture.
* Added escort fighters to some capital ships.
* Increased Pirate, Reiver and Xenon activity for more action.
* Increased yields for mining regions in DeVries and Maelstrom.
* Fixed error causing map to suddenly close under certain circumstances.
* Fixed more causes of being teleported into the middle of nowhere on loading a savegame.
* Fixed cases where destroying a ship could result in the target element not getting removed.
* Improved update frequency of target elements.
* Fixed cargo collection mode.
* Fixed mining ships collecting ware containers.
* Fixed builder ships not being able to trade with stations reliably.
* Fixed one problem with building restarting when player not present (another build issue remains).
* Added filtering by station/ship in trade offer menu.
* Added Hire option with negative response for certain NPCs.
* Prevented certain plot ships from being sold.
* Fixed problem with timing of money transfer to/from manager.
* Added means for NPCs to return to player ship from assignments.
* Fixed marines not showing up in player ship units.
* Fixed builder ship menu not updating player account.
* Fixed negative total yield amounts for asteroid fields.
* Fixed more inconsistencies in weapon counts.
* Fixed drone count calculation for ship trader.
* Fixed several issues with active mission/guidance info being disabled.
* Fixed missing/incorrect highway names in mission objectives.
* Fixed assigning a ship to a station without a manager.
* Removed "taglauncher" from encyclopedia.
* Removed civilian factions from encyclopedia.
* Fixed several encyclopedia layout issues.
* Fixed several issues with build/repair drones.
* Fixed incorrect cargo prediction based on shopping list data under certain circumstances.
* Fixed trade menus not keeping track of selected ship in some cases.
* Added default "protect" behaviour for ships in your squad.
* Improved capital ship fight behaviour.
* Fixed problem with ships not attacking.
* Fixed enemies not attacking correct target in certain circumstances.
* Fixed another cause of jumping ships ending up in invalid positions.
* Fixed player ship sometimes being in the wrong place after undocking.
* Fixed problem with engineer sometimes being paid twice for player ship repairs.
* Fixed incorrect player engine price calculation.
* Fixed incorrect weapon counts in ship menu.
* Ships working for a station no longer sell wares to their homebase (goods just transferred, no money involved).
* Shipyards and fuel stations should no longer run out of resources (may take a while to take effect).
* Fixed cargo drones bumping into hull of mining ships and blocking trade.
* Reduced likelihood of mining ships transferring more minerals to a station than it wants.
* Added hotkey for docking (Shift-D by default).
* Fixed welder drones appearing in property menu.
* Fixed "keycode NNN" appearing in Options menu.
* Fixed problem remapping keys used in Detail Monitor (C, I and G).
* Changed resource cost for ship-building in Omicron Lyrae.
* Changed ships available for construction in DeVries.
* Fixed URV Wharf modile in Integrative URV Forge not producing drones.
* Fixed scan sound being replayed for something that has already been scanned.
* Fixed scan highlighting not being properly removed when leaving cockpit.
* Fixed trade missions not completing.
* Fixed problem resulting in player getting stuck in Canteran air ducts.
* Fixed floating crate on Albion platform interior.
* Fixed floating ad signs and incorrect traffic at DeVries wheat station.
* Fixed DeVries shipyard interior orientation.
* Fixed lights in prison being too dark.
* Fixed bench obstructing hangar entrance of DeVries repair platform.
* Fixed NPC stuck in locker on DeVries repair dock.
* Fixed not being able to take cases out of cardboard boxes.
* Improved Russian localisation.
* Improved support for Chinese text.
* Fixed another problem with borderless window mode on certain hardware.
* Fixed freeze and memory-related crash caused by ships shooting excessively under certain circumstances.
* Fixed several more causes of crashes.
* More small performance improvements.

v 1.24.1
* Increased amount of Fuel Cells produced per cycle by Cell Recharge Factories and decreased price.
* Improved logic for ship AI to refuel earlier.

v 1.25
* New Feature: Player-owned ships and stations can now be renamed.
* New Feature: Smalltalk reward allowing you to receive trade offer updates for a station remotely.
* Added logbook entries for refuelling, trade and building.
* Added call from manager when a station is low on credits.
* Added ship name when player gets a call requiring a response from a player owned ship.
* Fixed a cause of occasional crashes when loading savegame.
* Fixed a cause of occasional crashes during large battles.
* Fixed several other causes of occasional crashes.
* Fixed another cause of the game hanging after Alt-Tab.
* Added prices for small ships so that these can now be sold.
* Cargo value is now taken into account when selling a ship; you get roughly half it's value.
* Fixed price calculations for intermediate wares.
* Fixed two causes of disappearing ships and one of ships ending up in strange places.
* Fixed certain station elements being rotated incorrectly after loading a savegame.
* Fixed problem with random station elements being built and preventing further building.
* Fixed problem with small ships preventing building.
* Fixed problem with drones not being able to dock at certain mining ships.
* Fixed incorrect container amount being dropped from cargo drones.
* Fixed another issue with cargo collection.
* Fixed buy offers for more wares than can be stored.
* Fixed player being able to start multiple boarding operations on the same ship.
* Fixed abort button for boarding operations.
* Fixed info and comm options for externally docked ships.
* Fixed issue with operational range settings resulting in ships looking for trades in the wrong places.
* Improved station-owned mining ship AI to prevent station from filling with more resources than it wants.
* Improved shooting logic for NPC ships (more improvements to come).
* Fixed a problem resulting in inactive patrol ships.
* Fixed a problem with NPC beam weapons not firing correctly.
* Fixed tag darts occasionally tagging something other than their intended target.
* Added inter-system traders to DeVries.
* Fixed station scan mode remaining active when it shouldn't.
* Fixed rare case resulting in missing info points and dock icons.
* Fixed subordinate count in orders menu.
* Fixed incorrect trade status in ship menu.
* Fixed "+" button not working in map menu under certain circumstances.
* Fixed sold ships and collected drones being displayed as destroyed in the logbook.
* Added missing descriptions for systems to encyclopedia.
* Improved rewards after successful smalltalk on platforms, including trade subscriptions.
* Improved dialog structure to find people on platforms.
* Fixed missing architect on plot builder ship.
* Fixed player being sent to a hostile NPC when asking for directions.
* Fixed ships not in player squad requesting player input when out of fuel.
* Fixed visual flicker when returning to the cockpit from a platform.
* Fixed location of visor/glasses on certain NPCs.
* Fixed missing physics data when loading a savegame.
* Added graphics settings for SSAO, Glow and Distortion.
* Fixed incorrect display of certain options in graphics menu.
* Fixed incorrect resolutions when changing displays in borderless mode.
* Improved stability of job system and patch code with modified games.
* Added support for catalog files in mods.
* Added Korean localisation (text only).
* Added Spanish localisation (text only, incomplete but included to enable feedback to translators).
* Further optimisations resulting in small performance improvements, particularly on lower-end graphics hardware.

v 1.25.1
* Improved stability of cutscene playback while on a platform.
* Fixed stuck drone production on URV Forge.
* Added French localisation for texts that were new in 1.25.
* Improved font for Russian localisation.

Особенности Repack'a:
--За основу взята Лицензия от Бука--
* аудио качество 100%
* видео качество 100%
* эксклюзивный установщик
* установка дополнительного Soft'a (DirectX, Visual C++)
* все пути реестра сохранены
* запуск игры через ярлык на десктопе или через меню пуск
* для установки необходимо 512 Мб ОЗУ
* примерное время установки 5 минут(а,ы)
* v 1.12
* v 1.13
* v 1.14
* v 1.15
* v 1.16
* v 1.17
* v 1.18
* v 1.19
* v 1.20
* v 1.21
* v 1.22
* v 1.24
* v 1.24.1
* v 1.25
* v 1.25.1
* игровые архивы не тронуты
* за основу взята лицензионная копия игры от Бука, обновлённая в Steam от 14.03.2014
* -----
Автор Repack'a:
* Fenixx

Свои скриншоты:
Скриншоты инсталлятора:
Steam скриншот:

Обновления Repack'a:
* игра обновлена до версии 1.12.

* игра обновлена до версии 1.22.

* игра обновлена до версии 1.25.1.

Repack обновлён!
* игра обновлена до версии 1.25.1.
Ранее скачавшие могут Перехешировать и докачать (3,07 Гб), предварительно сменив название папки, той раздачи на:
X Rebirth.v 1.25.1.(Бука).(2013).Repack
от 14.03.2014 в 18:00 по Москве

Трекер: Зарегистрирован

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19 KB

Статус: проверено (by Fenixx в 14-Мар-14 17:02)
Зарегистрирован: 14-Мар-14 17:00
Скачан: 1833 раза
Размер: 3.71 GB | 
Скачать X Rebirth.v 1.25.1 (Бука) (RUS, ENG \ ENG) (обновлён от 14.03.2014) [Repack] от Fenixx торрент

Похожие раздачи


post 16-Ноя-13 16:12 (спустя 2 минуты)

Ц Цитата:

Язык интерфейса: Русский
здесь от русского тока названия, ну хотя стоит посмотреть
Ц Цитата:

Издатель в России: Бука
и сразу всё становиться понятно :lol:


post 16-Ноя-13 16:13 (спустя 40 секунд)

Спасибо Fenixx


post 16-Ноя-13 16:18 (спустя 5 минут)

Fenixx, красавчик! Дай пятюню!


post 16-Ноя-13 16:34 (спустя 16 минут)

мдаа только меню :up: молодцы бука :lol:


post 16-Ноя-13 16:35 (спустя 1 минута)

Скрытый текст
напиши плиз, будет ли когда-нибудь реппак на Макс Пейн 3 в твоём исполнении, до сих пор не могу выбрать нужный для коллекции, сделай пожалуйста, я думаю многие будут благодарны


post 16-Ноя-13 16:40 (спустя 4 минуты)

Печальная бука. Подожду полного перевода лучше.
А пока всё ещё ждём XCOM: Enemy Within :)


post 16-Ноя-13 16:48 (спустя 7 минут)

SkyNet(1984) в ближайшие время не будет!

Chemodan Clan

post 16-Ноя-13 16:49 (спустя 50 секунд)

Вот это отдача, 9мб/с :)


post 16-Ноя-13 16:53 (спустя 4 минуты)

Подскажите пожалуйста, эта игра имеет какое то отношение к Х3 ?


post 16-Ноя-13 16:59 (спустя 5 минут)

Makkuro, это полноценный перезапуск серии "Х".


post 16-Ноя-13 17:05 (спустя 5 минут)

Поиграл немного, без кучи патчей не обойтись. Собственно все серии икс были такими глючными, потом правили, но тут все плачевнее. Спишем на новый движок все косяки...
Стоит подождать и не портить впечатление от игры + нет локализации


post 16-Ноя-13 17:06 (спустя 59 секунд)

Очень много играл в X3, до сих пор динамическая карта есть)
Сюжет, по-моему, написали новый, но возможны какие-нибудь отсылки к старым играм серии, например, хааки там точно есть, в ответах разработчиков читал.
Геймплейно переписали систему управления, насколько мне известно (надеюсь, не сделали наподобии Земного конфликта, я там летать нормально не мог).


post 16-Ноя-13 17:44 (спустя 37 минут)

Fenixx - спасибо! Но вообще то вчера был выложен патч 1.12... обновлять будешь?


post 16-Ноя-13 18:10 (спустя 26 минут)

"...не позволят вам оторваться от монитора сотни часов." :x


post 16-Ноя-13 18:22 (спустя 12 минут)

JAG_MistR я в курсе...но таблетки что-то не нашёл под эту версию!


post 16-Ноя-13 19:43 (спустя 1 час 21 минута)

Спасибо, игра норм!
тем кто в предидущие не играл, будет нелегко в определенных смыслах


post 16-Ноя-13 20:01 (спустя 17 минут)

Вот такая ошибка при начале кампании
как исправить?


post 16-Ноя-13 20:36 (спустя 35 минут)

Сабы чтоль даже не переводили??


post 16-Ноя-13 20:54 (спустя 18 минут)

Ц NeatLight писал(а):

Сабы чтоль даже не переводили??
Так сразу же локализаторы предупреждали что перевод при релизе будет частичный, полный появиться с патчами, так что ждем как патчей потому что играть нормально невозможно, и кому нужно тот ждет полного перевода.

Текущее время: 02-Июн 03:20

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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